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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • The submission has not been previously published, nor is it before another journal for consideration (or an explanation has been provided in Comments to the Editor).
  • The submission file is in OpenOffice, Microsoft Word, or RTF document file format.
  • Where available, URLs for the references have been provided.
  • The text is single-spaced; uses a 12-point font; employs italics, rather than underlining (except with URL addresses); and all illustrations, figures, and tables are placed within the text at the appropriate points, rather than at the end.
  • The text adheres to the stylistic and bibliographic requirements outlined in the Author Guidelines.

Author Guidelines

Please follow the following template before submitting your paper: 

Download Journal Template 


Section default policy

Privacy Statement

Journal Volumes Publication:

Every year, on December 1st, the journal releases a single volume. The volume may include more than one issue, and each issue may only include a total of 15 papers. As soon as the editorial board accepts a paper, it will be published on the journal website under one of the issues.

Criteria for Publication:

  • The paper presents the findings of original scientific research conducted by the author.
  • The results have not been reported elsewhere.
  • Experiments, statistics, and other analyses are carried out at a high degree of high technical level and are well documented.
  • The results are well-presented and verified.
  • The article is well-designed, and it is written in clear and understandable English.
  • In terms of experimental ethics and scientific integrity, the study meets all of the applicable standards.
  • As well as meeting appropriate reporting requirements, the article adheres to community data availability standards.

Peer-Review Process:

 A strict editorial screening and assessment process selects and evaluates the manuscript for publication in WAS Science Nature (WASSN).

To start, perform an internal audit to see if there are any conflicts of interest, ethical standards, financial disclosures, or other policy requirements.

Second, a manuscript is submitted to a member of the Editorial Board, who has the authority to invite peer reviewers and make preliminary judgments on the article's publication (accept, minor or major revision is needed or rejected).

Third, before making a final decision, the Editor-in-Chief consults with the section and/or scientific editors, as appropriate. The authors of the paper who submitted it are notified of this decision via email.

Duplicate submission and redundant publication

WAS journals only publish original content, which means that articles never previously published are accepted. Manuscripts submitted to WAS journals are not permitted to be submitted elsewhere while they are being evaluated, and they must be withdrawn before they may be resubmitted. If it is found that an author's paper has been submitted elsewhere at the same time, they may be subject to sanctions.

It is necessary for authors who use previously published or currently under review work as the basis for a submitted article to acknowledge the earlier publications and explain how their new manuscript differs from their past work.

WAS journals accept extended versions of conference papers if authors indicate that the previous version is correctly referenced and discussed in the cover letter, there is substantial new information, and all required rights are obtained before publication.

In certain cases, duplicate publishing and the improper split of research results into several publications (often referred to as salami slicing) may result in the rejection of submitted papers or a request to combine papers. If the same or very similar content is published more than once, the paper may retract the publication and impose sanctions on the authors.

Citation manipulation

For papers that include unrelated references to increase the number of citations to a particular author or a journal, the paper will be withdrawn, and the authors will face sanction.  

Editors and reviewers must avoid encouraging authors to cite certain references to increase the citation of an author or a journal.  

Fabrication and falsification
Authors of submitted or published papers may be sanctioned if it is found that they falsified or misrepresented the results. Published papers may also be withdrawn if this occurs.

Authorship and acknowledgments:

 All authors should have a solid contribution to the submitted article, and each author should approve his/her contribution.  No paper will be accepted if submitted by other than the authors.  

Conflicts of interest:

  • All authors must declare no conflict of interest before publishing the paper.   The authors should confirm that:

"The author(s) declare(s) that there are no conflicts of interest with the publication of this work." 

  • The conflicts of interest statement will be reviewed by the editor and included in the article's final version.

Editors and Reviewers

Editors and reviewers should refuse to participate in a submission if they :

  • Have an ongoing publication with any of the authors.
  • Have a recent publication or a current submission with one or more authors.
  • An association with any author has been shared or recently shared.
  • Any author with whom you collaborate or have recently collaborated


Publication fees:

WAS Science Nature (WASSN) is free to read. Accepted manuscripts will be published FOR FREE until June 30, 2022. The APC will be $150 per item starting July 2022, and this fee covers the journal's manuscript processing and publication expenses.


Detected plagiarism or complaints about plagiarism at any stage of the paper will be investigated by the journal or section editor. If the plagiarism is more than 25%, the paper may be rejected or returned to the authors for further modification before sending it to the reviewers.  


All papers submitted for publication will be verified for plagiarism before review.


If you find plagiarism in a publisher's journal, please alert the editorial offices of all involved journals or send an email to with the details.


The plagiarism will be investigated and reported to the author's organization and to the financial sources.


Self-plagiarism is not recommended, and any unethical citation detected will be handled based on the case. The final decision on the manuscript will be stated by the editor or section editor.